
7 Reasons to Get Massage After Surgery

Massage therapy for rehabilitation after surgery has become increasingly popular over the last few years. Massage can foster healing within the body after it has experienced the trauma of surgery. It is known to bring back essential nutrients and blood to the areas operated on in surgery. Perhaps most importantly, receiving massage after surgery can decrease the buildup of scar tissue. These are just a few of the reasons why massage can be so integral to your body after going through surgical procedures. Check out this list of seven no-brainer reasons to get massage after surgery! continue reading »

The Five Seasons of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has origins dating back thousands of years. While modern medicine has paved the way for new treatments and preventative measures in health care, millions of men and women continue to practice TCM. If you’re interested in trying it, though, you’ll first need to familiarize yourself with the five seasons of TCM and the organs that they target.


When speaking in the context of TCM, the spring season is associated with new life and beginnings. It is a time for a cleansing toxins from your body and negative energy from your mind, which is why it focuses on the liver and gallbladder. You can cleanse your liver and gallbladder by eating more grapefruit, beets, carrots, green tea, and leafy green vegetables. continue reading »

Top 5 Reasons to Consider Massage Therapy

physio-1778029_640Lowers Stress Levels

Feeling overly stressed about your job, relationships, finances, or health? If so, you may want to consider massage therapy. This treatment has been shown to have an almost immediate benefit on stress levels, relieving stress and anxiety while encouraging greater relaxation.

Improves Muscle Recovery

Another common reason why people seek massage therapy is to improve muscle recovery. When you lift weights or perform other high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises, it creates small tears in muscle fiber, which is essentially why you feel sore afterwards. When the muscle is massaged, it stimulates blood flow to the region, allowing it to heal in less time. And when your muscle tissue heals in less time, you can get back in the gym rather than sitting around the house. continue reading »

Can Massage Therapy Offer Relief of Regional Pain Syndrome?

171-can-massage-therapy-offer-relief-of-regional-pain-syndromeRegional pain syndrome, also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy, is a chronic disease that’s characterized by long-lasting severe pain, swelling, and discoloration of the skin. In some cases, it may only affect a limb, but roughly a third of people who suffer from this disease report symptoms throughout their body. Whether you suffer from localized symptoms or whole-body symptoms, you can find relief through massage therapy.

Causes of Regional Pain Syndrome

Doctors and medical experts continue to debate over what exactly causes regional pain syndrome. With that said, the general belief is that it’s a type of central nervous system that’s often triggered by surgeries and/or injuries. continue reading »

What is Pressure Point Massage Therapy?

There are dozens of different types of massage therapy, each of which has its own purpose and unique characteristics. However, among the most effective forms of massage therapy for pain relief is pressure point. Whether you suffer from occasional or chronic pain, you should consider pressure point massage therapy. It’s a safe and effective way to relieve pain while improving circulation throughout the body. continue reading »