October 26th is This Year’s National Make a Difference Day

madd-fullFor over 20 years USA WEEKEND Magazine and Points of Light have sponsored this in hopes to make it the largest national day of community service. Millions of Americans nationwide participate everywhere, united in their mission to improve the lives of others. The goal is to inspire good deeds throughout the year.

In addition to USA WEEKEND Magazine and Points of Life, other organizations join to sponsor this event. This year, Newman’s Own supports the National Make a Difference Day by awarding $10,000 to the charities of each of 10 National Honorees and three City Awardees. USA WEEKEND Magazine will feature the All-Star honoree, 10 National and 3 City Award honorees in a special April 2014 issue coinciding with National Volunteer Week, led by Points of Life.

Ways to Give Back

It is great that making a difference in the lives of others is a national holiday, but giving back to the community is something that we should strive to do throughout the year, if not every day. Small good deeds are easy to implement, i.e. recycling. Some days we can do something a little less routine, like buying a coffee for the person behind you in line.  Here are few suggestions on how you can participate in this year’s National Make a Difference Day:

  • Look around your community. Is there a homeless shelter that can use assistance? Maybe there is a park or school that could use some help cleaning or painting.
  • Check with the local newspaper. Maybe there is a specific event looking for volunteers.
  • Find a volunteer center if your town has one.
  • Love animals? Check to see if any local animal shelters could use your help.

Massage Therapy & National Make a Difference Day

You might be asking yourself, “What does massage therapy have to do with National Make a Difference Day?” As licensed massage therapists, we strive to make a difference in our client’s lives during every session.  Whether it’s emotionally or medically beneficial to the client, we want you to walk out of every session feeling refreshed and one-step closer to better wellness. We have a passion to help others and a career in massage therapy is a rewarding one.

That is why I ask you to get involved and volunteer during this year’s National Make a Difference Day. It is an amazing feeling and experience to help others and see that your hard work has made someone’s life a bit easier. To find out more about this national holiday and different ways to get involved, please visit http://www.makeadifferenceday.com.

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