
Your Lifestyle As A New Mom Will Benefit From Massage

newmom-05052014A healthy, well-balanced lifestyle is multi-faceted, and must incorporate elements of the physical, mental, and spiritual.  As a new mom, it is easy to feel like you are running on empty in all of these categories.  Your world revolves around caring for the new bundle of joy, and your own needs quickly become secondary.  However, it is essential that you nurture yourself as much as possible during this transition.  While it may sound cliché, sleep when the baby sleeps.  Seriously, the dishes will wait.  Exercise and nutrition will strengthen your reserves, even if it consists of an apple, a protein bar, and a walk around the block.  Stay connected to your support system, and consider community resources such as a new mom support group.  Baby yoga is another great way to connect with other moms while doing something healthy for yourself. continue reading »

Here’s the latest research on how massage helps heal sore muscles

runner-05052014After vigorous exercise, a good massage feels really great. It helps to ease muscle soreness and relax away muscle tension. Massage therapists and athletes have long known that massage reduces signs of inflammation and reduces muscle tightness. Until now it was unknown how massage helps stressed muscles. However, a recent research study published in Science Translational Medicine shows how massage affects muscles at the cellular level. continue reading »

Shiatsu: Energy Balancing for Health and Wellness

acupressure-shiatsuFor more than a decade, interest in physical and mental wellness has been growing steadily. The popularity of Shiatsu massage has increased along with this trend because of its ability to promote relaxation, reduce stress and improve overall health. Shiatsu, a Japanese word meaning “finger pressure,” is a whole body approach to restoring the energy balance.

About Shiatsu

Shiatsu is based on pressure points similar to the points used in acupuncture or reflexology. It is performed using the fingers although certain devices may also be employed as an aid. Shiatsu works on the theory that the human body has energy centers that are interconnected by energy channels, or meridians. continue reading »

Studies Show Massage is Good for Relieving Depression and Anxiety

depression-84404Massage is an ancient technique for helping people to overcome physical and psychological health problems. Massage in an integral component of traditional Chinese medicine, and in the United States is a part of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). It is helpful for promoting healing in a range of conditions, from physical injuries to emotional stress. Recent studies have shown how massage is good for depression and anxiety.

Depression and Anxiety

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that approximately 10% of Americans suffer from some form of depression in a given year, while 18% suffer from some type of anxiety disorder. These disorders may coexist and often go untreated. Depression and anxiety can interfere with an individual’s ability to fully engage socially, and increases the risk of unemployment. They can lower the body’s defenses and make people more susceptible to diseases. continue reading »

Connecting Cultures: Massage Therapy & Tui Na

tui-na-20140414Dating back to 1700 B.C., Tui Na (pronounced “twee-nah”) is an ancient Asian form of bodywork and healing. It is recognized as the precursor to most forms of Asian bodywork, and in many ways, it mirrors the foundations of Western Massage Therapy. continue reading »