
How to Determine if it is Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

If you’ve been feeling pain in your pelvic region, don’t assume that it’s not a valid condition. Chronic pelvic pain syndrome is a condition where the individual experiences pelvic pain that lasts six months or longer. Chronic pelvic pain syndrome can be a symptom of another condition or can be a problem on its own. Sometimes pelvic pain can develop for no apparent reason, without any definitive source or cause. However, there has been a significant increase in research in the past decade to study the cause and optimal treatment for chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

There is “cure” for chronic pelvic pain syndrome, but there are many forms of treatments that can alleviate the pain; as well as relieve the psychological and emotional stressors caused by the chronic pain. continue reading »

The History of Massage Therapy in Ancient Civilizations



Pehr Ling, a Swedish physical therapist, was credited for the birth of the Swedish massage around 1776. It is common for most individuals to know what a “Swedish massage” is, but contrary to belief Swedish massage was not the first form of massage therapy.

There is a plethora of evidence to support that massage therapy has been used as a natural healing method in many ancient civilizations including China, India, Japan, Egypt, Korea, Rome, Greece, and Mesopotamia. Some say massage began as a sacred system of natural healing for injuries, pain, stress, and illnesses. Others disagree and believe that massage was not advocated or practiced until modern times. Prior to that, it was believed to be incorporated in other healing methods.

The history of massage is not easily found from research and there is much debate over the exact details, but here’s a brief overview of massage therapy throughout ancient history. continue reading »

Benefits of Pediatric and Infant Massage

babiesWhen working with any pediatric client, massage therapy not only address their physical ailments, but their emotional care as well. Even if your child doesn’t have any health conditions, they are still experiencing pressure academically and socially more than ever before. Even as an infant, massage therapy is a way of communicating with baby, while building trust and understanding.

There are some very clear distinctions between the two modalities of infant massage and pediatric massage. Infant massage is generally limited to the age of 0 to 12 months. From birth to 18 years of age is generally considered pediatric. It’s important to know how each modality can help your child and why it’s important to start massage as early as possible. continue reading »

EveryBody Deserves a Massage Week 2013

92861634July 14-20, 2013 is EveryBody Deserves a Massage Week, sponsored by the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP). During this annual event, ABMP members nationwide offer their time, money, and effort to help their communities, as well as promoting the benefits of massage.

However, this event isn’t for the massage therapists. It’s to remind you, the client, that massage isn’t just a pampering treat like most people assume. There are many health benefits of massage that you may not be aware of.

No matter what you describe massage as (therapeutic, relaxing, rejuvenating) or the reasons you wish to receive it (stress relief, pain management, relaxation), massage therapy can be a powerful ally to your health care regimen. continue reading »

Energy Healing: Let the Good Vibes Flow

Acupuncture point Hegu (LI 4)

Acupuncture point Hegu (LI 4)

The very real benefits of energy healing are often understated, if not written off entirely as mumbo jumbo. The reasoning for questioning its validity is unclear; though it seems doubts of the therapeutic treatment lie in the common misconception that energy healing operates purely on mental and spiritual planes. Despite the falseness of this accusation (there are an array of hands-on energy-healing techniques), the nature of its logic is somewhat inconsistent with everyday ideals of modern society… especially when considering the immediate acceptance of therapeutic qualities associated with truly indirect experiences such as the relaxing sound of rain or the comforting smell of vanilla.
Even science can vouch that the body is bio-energetic, and thus it can benefit from creating a harmonious balance of its energies. The practice of massage therapy serves as a medium of sorts to transfer good vibes between the body and mind, leaving a sensation of ultimate relaxation through its many energy-healing techniques.

Some such techniques include: continue reading »